Health Services


The Hillsdale College Health and Wellness Center has a registered nurse on duty during all operating hours. There is no charge for the nurse’s services and no charge for the administration of common over-the-counter medications. There are medical appointments with a physician available daily. Students are asked to make an appointment by calling (517) 607-4368. A fee of $50 is charged to see the physician.

It is very important that each new student fill out the online health form and fax/send the Health Center an updated list of immunizations, so that medical care, if needed, is as effective and efficient as possible. 

Kari Coupland, RN, BSN (517-607-4367, kcoupland@ ), is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. An RN for 28 years, her experience includes 2 years critical care nurse, and 25 years as an emergency department nurse.

All students must have a health insurance card or a copy of: insurance policy numbers; policy holder’s name and Social Security number; and the place of employment. The Health Center, however, does not bill individual insurance plans.


183 Hillsdale St., Hillsdale, MI 49242
Phone: (517) 607-4368

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

(Closed 11:45 AM – 12:45 PM for lunch)

Doctor’s Hours

Monday - Friday:

12:45 PM - 4:00 PM

Meet Health Services

Services Offered

  • General Services

    Cold/flu remedies
    Education for healthy living
    Covid testing
    General medical services (non-emergency)
    Immunizations (including travel vaccines)
    Prescription refills

  • Nutritional Services

    Denise Lovinger, RDN, CDCES, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, is available on a limited baiss at varying times by appointment: email to schedule an appointment.

  • Chiropractic/Strength Training

    Chris Netley, DC, CCSP, CSCS

    Contact Chris at or call 760-902-0542

Professional Counseling Services

Additional Medical Services in the Community

Hillsdale Hospital 

168 South Howell St.
Hillsdale, MI 49242 
(517) 437-4451

Jonesville Health Care 

216 Olds St. 
Jonesville, MI 49250 
(517) 849-7100

Jonesville Healthcare +

206 Olds St.
Jonesville, MI 49250
(517) 849-7166

Hillsdale Health and Wellness

240 West Carleton Rd.
Hillsdale, MI 49242
(517) 437-7040